
On the palate, you will feel what will benefit your body

The new deal of meat cooking. The energy-rich steam, and the absence of oxidation thanks to Anaerobic Cooking™, will give the meat a healthiness, lightness, and softness never seen before.

-91% Reduction of the lipid content compared to traditional cooking with combi-ovene
-41% Reduction of fatty acid oxidation in beef
+20% Softness of meats (loins and steaks)

With the Atihc systems the cooking of structured meats (e.g. beef and pork), cooking of minced meats (e.g. hamburgers) are made and managed ensuring maximum respect and maximum conservation of good fatty acids, reducing the lipid content and preventing the development of harmful substances.


Fats (or lipids) are able to release very high energy that is more than double that of proteins and carbohydrates. Their caloric value is about 9.5 kcal/g which corresponds to 39.6 kJ/g.


The presence of fat, both superficial and tied to the muscle fibers in-depth, is reduced by the action of the energy-rich steam generated by the innovative Atihc system. Anaerobic Cooking™ reduces a greater amount of fat. Laboratory tests have shown a huge reduction of the fat content (more than 90 %) compared to a traditional cooking process with combi-oven (tests on hamburgers).


Evidence has shown that the fat artificially added to the preparation is more treated (reduced) by the energy-rich steam produced by the Atihc cooking systems while the natural fat (commonly known as marbled-with-fat) is reduced to a lesser extent while preserving the nourishing properties of the fatty acids contained therein.


The oxidation of fatty acids is responsible for the rising of harmful substances, increasing cardiovascular risks, and predisposing the human body to degenerative processes.


Anaerobic Cooking™ allows you to limit the oxidation of the fatty acids, thus preserving the nutritional characteristics of the meat and preventing the cooking process from destroying or worsening the qualities of the nutrients contained in the meat. The oxidation of fatty acids was assessed through the commonly-used indicator named TBARS (Thiobar Bituric Acid Reactive Substances) which shows how Atihc systems are able to decrease oxidation by more than 35% compared to traditional systems.


Volatile substances such as aldehydes, alcohols, and hexanal that develop from the oxidation of fatty acids are tasteless and odorless, and harmful to the body. They could rise during cooking without any signal. The Anaerobic Cooking™ process limits the development of these substances by over 60 %.

Oxidized Cholesterol is harmful to the cardiovascular system. With Atihc systems, the oxidation of cholesterol is 33 % lower than traditional cooking done with professional combi-steam ovens.


Digestibility is linked to the action of enzymes which, in the presence of fats and proteins, slow down their disintegrating capacity.

Atihc's technology based on the use of energy-rich steam makes it possible to improve the digestibility of meat. Anaerobic Cooking™ allows for the obtainment of the reduction of fats and greater denaturation of proteins with the consequence of increasing their digestibility by more than 10 % compared to traditional professional cooking.

The greater digestibility will also be appreciated on the palate. Soft meats are the index of a better denaturation of proteins which are reflected in greater digestibility.

The action of the rich-energy steam involves in the Anaerobic Cooking™ allows you to unfold the protein chains making them ready for the digestive action carried out by our body. Atihc’s technology allows for softer meats up to 20 % more than traditional professional steam cooking.


Cooking meat in a cooking chamber characterized by high temperatures and oxygen leads to the onset of harmful, toxic, and in some cases carcinogenic substances. The blackening and burning of the meat are responsible for very dangerous substances.

With Atihc's Anaerobic Cooking™, every cut of meat is enhanced. Laboratory analyzes have shown a 53 % reduction in the content of these dangerous and carcinogenic substances (analysis conducted on the compound called PAH: polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons; pork loin) compared to cooking in a traditional professional combi-steam oven.


The lightness of the meat meets the gentle cooking

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