
The lightness of the meat meets the gentle cooking.

A rich-nutrient food that thanks to Anaerobic Cooking™ will not be wasted, but respected and preserved from the oven to the plate.

-20% Reduction of fatty acid oxidation in a salmon fillet

With Atihc systems the cooking of fish meat, mollusks, and crustaceans are characterized by unique gentleness. The nutrients contained in these meats will enjoy a controlled environment inside the cooking chamber able to preserve all the beneficial aspects that these meats bring to our organism.


The oxidation of fatty acids causes the onset of harmful substances, increasing cardiovascular risks and predisposing the body to degenerative processes. To the group of unsaturated fatty acids, to be preferred over saturated and trans fatty acids, belong the Omega 3 fats which, in the presence of oxygen and higher temperature, tend to oxidize (i.e. to degrade), losing all their beneficial nourishing power.


The Anaerobic Cooking™ allows you to limit the oxidation of fatty acids, thus preserving the nutritional characteristics of the fish and preventing the cooking process from destroying or worsening the qualities of the nutrients. The oxidation of fatty acids was assessed through the commonly-used indicator named TBARS (Thiobar Bituric Acid Reactive Substances) which shows how Atihc systems are able to decrease oxidation by more than 20 % compared to traditional systems.



Volatile substances such as aldehydes, alcohols, and hexanal that develop from the oxidation of the fatty acids are harmful to the human body. They are tasteless and odorless, and due to this, they can develop during cooking without any signal. However, their presence is very harmful as they are toxic and sometimes carcinogenic substances.

Anaerobic Cooking™ process limits the development of these substances by over 22 %, guaranteeing maximum respect for this precious product.

Bakery and pastry

Baking and steam: the new deal

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