Bakery and pastry

Baking and steam: the new deal

With Atihc cooking systems, bread products and pastries will take on an appearance, crunchiness, and lightness never seen before.

+10% Is the increment in the expansion that you will get by completing your bakery line with an Atihc system

The steam, rich in energy, will allow you to obtain the effect of a heated floor in bread products even using common perforated trays. An Atihc cooking system will give unique characteristics to your bakery products. The thick crust at the bottom while thin and crunchy crust at the top will be the new adjectives that will characterize your bakery products thanks to Anaerobic Cooking™. Crunchiness given by the energy-rich steam that allows the crust to develop in baked goods without generating acrylamide, a harmful and potentially carcinogenic substance.


Chewability and softness are relevant mechanical characteristics that involve all the actions we carry out while eating. These characteristics have an impact on the pleasure of eating but also on our body since an easier digestion process starts with proper chewing.

Laboratory analyzes have shown that the bread baked by our cooking systems is softer and more chewable. The strength for chewing is 10 % lower while the bread is 15 % softer even in the case of wholemeal, characterized by a more compact structure as commonly known. The steam energy will allow you to obtain a structure with a huge honeycomb and softer crumb that are the basis of soft and extremely chewable bread.


The pores inside the crumb, or rather, the alveolation represent a visible parameter that allows us to understand how much a product has been leavened but above all cooked correctly. An open crumb reflects in a good and pleasant bakery product.


The energy of the steam used in Anaerobic Cooking™ generates an excellent alveolation and allows you to obtain a crispy and golden crust at the same time. Laboratory analyzes have shown a greater alveolation, 10 % higher than in traditional professional cooking. The dough can be cooked in a short time and the automatic functions will give an exceptional expansion to your bakery products. Compared to traditional professional cooking, the puff pastry and shortcrust pastry will be cooked reaching a unique crunchiness.



Leavened pastries, as well as traditional desserts, will enjoy the energy of Atihc steam. The expansion during cooking will surprise you.

The energy of the steam produced by the Atihc systems and the management of the Anaerobic Cooking™ method make the baking of bread products unique. The Atihc cooking systems are suitable for all needs.


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